I've been waking up singing the lyrics and I have no idea why. Haven't heard it in year!
It's a classic old tune, so hope you enjoy it as much as I love peaches.
Just remember, that peaches come from a can and they were put there by a man, in a factory down town.
ReplyDeleteI've been following your blog for a while now and I'd like to pass on the Versatile Blogger Award to you. If you've already accepted this previously, sorry for the double up - your blog must be doubly good!
I’m also passing the rules for accepting this award, should you wish to accept it.
* Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their site in your original post. (www.funkyunderachiever.blogspot.com)
* Tell us seven things about yourself.
* Pass along the award to fifteen newly discovered bloggers.
* Contact these bloggers and let them know they got this award
Only if you want to!
completely and totally stuck in my head now.....probaly for ever