Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Blink-182 - Dammit

Punk pop has been getting me all nostalgic of late. With new albums by Blink-182 and The Get Up Kids, it's enough to make me feel old, yet slightly young at the same time.

I'm really enjoying the new Blink-182 album, but in sticking with the nostalgic theme of this post I had to go back to where my love affair with three young dick-joke cracking punk lads started, and for me that was with the album Dude Ranch and the single Dammit. Sure, Cheshire Cat is a cracking album but this is where it's at for me.

It reminds me of high school, parties at friends houses (when the parents are away), getting my licence and driving around with this song blaring from the shitty car stereo speakers. Sure the sound was distorted and the cassette deck wasn't offering the greatest of clarity when it came to audio quality, but my god I had a lot of fun listening to this.

Good times, crazy days.

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