Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Portugal. The Man - All Your Light (Times Like These)

Portugal. The Man are quickly becoming on of my favourite new bands!

The album 'In The Mountain In The Cloud' that the band released in 2011 has been blowing my mind for the last few months and is a slice of modern psychedelic rock genius. The album art is pretty cool too and is made even more impressive due to the fact it's done entirely by front man John Gourley.

Every time I listen to it I get drawn in a more and more. It's seriously infectious and I'm struggling to have time for any other album of late.

Thankfully the group from Portland, Oregon are heading down to Australia for The Laneway Festival and a string of solo shows, which I'll be front and centre for.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah song is worth a listen.. Song I probably have playing on a Sunday avo when having a few beers..



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